September 12, 2023
All automation runs on the MR's and Ox are setup and run as "Background" automation. As such, there are some advantages and disadvantages. Most of the advantages have to do with the nature of the fact the in background automation runs are isolated from what you do while the run is in progress…."mostly"
Automation's disadvantages are that the automation run itself may pause or quit for no apparent reason. And experiments run in automation require special commands to stop their acquisitions.
Controls for automated acquisition are in the
Main Menu -> Automation -> Background Acquisition
Trouble shooting Automation
Problem | Command | Comments |
"…Automation Paused…" error is displayed | Resume Acquisition | This usually occurs when someone inadvertently "Pauses" automation |
You want to stop the current experiment and keep the data because they are good | Stop/Save/Resume | This only aborts the current acquisition, if there are other experiments in the study queue, the next one will start. Each experiment in the study queue has to be Stopped/Saved/Resumed |
You want to stop the current experiment and don't care about the data | Stop/Discard/Resume | See above note |
Resume Acquisition throws an error | New Background Run | This is a full reset, if it does not work contact staff. |