Basement NMR Lab
Home to four newish Bruker spectrometers named NEO(400), 3M(500), Prodigy(500) and Solids(400). NEO and Prodigy have sample automation with a 24-sample carousel. 3M and Solids are in single-sample mode. The lab houses a 600 MHz Varian (ca 2007) also in single-sample, manual mode. All five spectrometers are heteronuclear capable with autotuning available on NEO, 3M, and Prodigy.
Pysical location: NHB (Norman Hackerman Building) 0.230
NHB 0.230 The primary role of the three Bruker systems is also to support the general needs of the NMR user community. NEO and Prodigy are fully automated so that samples may be setup for unattended batch runs. These two systems don't use the scheduling calendar; samples are always run in first come-first run mode by their automation software. 3M is similar to MR2 and MR3 in the fifth floor, operating in single sample mode with auto-tuning and is available for reservations on NMRCalendar, Time restrictions on all of these open access systems are somewhat loosened to about 1-2 hours per day. Samples or experiments that exceed the maximum run time on the NEO and Prodigy will be rescheduled to run during the overnight by automation.
Solids400 and Ox600 are reserved for non-routine and specialist work. The Bruker 400 MHz solids system is equipped with a 4mm CPMAS probe and a high-power gradient probe and amplifier and runs in one or the other of those two modes. The Varian 600 MHz has a standard dual broadband probe but no sample handling or probe tuning automation. Samples that require extensive data collection and or variable temperature control are sent to this spectrometer. Both the solids and the 600 are usually operated by NMR staff as a service. Requests for solid state NMR or long acquisition times must be made here: Sample Submission Form
Staff: Dr Garrett Blake has a desk in the lab and is available for Just-In-Time support most of the day.
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basement spectrometers
![NEO-400 screen shot](
Base Frequency
Proton: 400 MHz
Carbon: 100 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 13C, 31P, 7Li
24-sample carrosel
Nuclei/Frequency selection and tuning
Base Frequency
Proton: 500 MHz
Carbon: 125 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 13C, 31P, 7Li
Nuclei/Frequency selection and tuning
![Prodigy photo](
highest sensitivity
Base Frequency
Proton: 500 MHz
Carbon: 125 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 13C, 31P, 7Li
24-sample carrosel
Nuclei/Frequency selection and tuning
Solids and high power diffusion
Base Frequency
Proton: 400 MHz
Carbon: 100 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 13C, 31P, 7Li
Special Probes
Solids: 4mm CPMAS (15,000 Hz)
High Power Gradient liquids (5mm) 300g/cm
Highest frequency, three channel
Base Frequency
Proton: 600MHz
Carbon: 150 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 13C, 31P, 7Li
Special Probes
5mm dual broadband
5mm HCN triple probe