Fifth-floor NMR lab

Home to three Agilent MR400's (purchased ca 2012) named MR1, MR2, MR3. Samples are inserted and ejected one at a time manually, but multiple experiments per sample may be setup and submitted as a "study". Every ten minutes, completed experiments are copied to UTBox:\NMRData. The two systems, MR2 and MR3, are auto-tunable to most hetero-nuclei including fluorine. MR1 works only for proton and carbon experiments.
Physical location: NHB (Norman Hackerman Building) 5.342
NHB 5.342: The primary role of these spectrometers is to provide fast and easy access to NMR for users who require daily proton or carbon NMR to facilitate ongoing projects. Rapid turn-around is facilitated by limiting weekday time slots (8-6 M-F) to a maximum of 40 minutes with a 2 hour pre-booking cutoff. This helps ensure that on a weekday, a user should never have more than a 2 hour wait for the next open slot. Instrument usage is reserved online at NMRCalendar.
The second role of this lab is to provide time blocks for longer experiments required by limited sample or insensitive experiments. The lab is open 24x7 (requiring keycard access after hours). Overnights and weekends may be booked ahead of time. Although a check-in with Dr Smith by email may be required, requests are almost always granted.
This lab is the entry point for doing any work in the NMR facility. Initial introduction and training is mandatory. Use this link make a training request Training Form.
Staff: Dr Scott Smith has a desk in the lab and is available most of the day for Just-In-Time support
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fifth floor spectrometers

Base Frequency
Proton: 400 MHz
Carbon: 100 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H
Low Channel: 13C
Z-Gradient Shimming

Base Frequency
Proton: 400 MHz
Carbon: 100 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 31P, 27Al, 29Si, 13C, 15N, 7Li, 11B, etc...
Probe Tuning
Z-gradient Shimming

Base Frequency
Proton: 400 MHz
Carbon: 100 MHz
Observable Nuclei:
High Channel: 1H, 19F
Low Channel: 31P, 27Al, 29Si, 13C, 15N, 7Li, 11B, etc...
Z-gradient shimming
Probe Tuning